
Please follow the following steps to register for the 21st International Fibonacci Conference.

  1. Submit the Registration form here: CLICK HERE
  2. Submit Payment

The conference fee is $233 (or $144 for graduate students, $89 for undergraduates). This includes lunch for each of the five days of the conference. The trip to the Magic Castle is separate and optional and is $150.

For those who are Zooming in (not attending in person), the conference fee is a flat $144. We plan to have a time slot for presentations that are being given remotely.

If you have any trouble with Registration or Payment, then please email

To pay for registration, please CLICK HERE and select the first option, where it says ‘Donate to the Fibonacci Association’, and then put in the correct amount (thus if you are doing Graduate Student registration and Magic Castle you would pay $144 + $150 = $294). Thanks to generous donations we can assist people if the costs are difficult; email for information.

  3. Notify us!

Once you register and pay, please email Professor Steven Miller ( so we can send you a receipt and to discuss giving a talk, and other details.

The deadline to notify Professor Miller about giving a talk is May 20, 2024.

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